Diversity & SDGs

Initiatives Promoting Diversity

Always waiting on the other side of creative products and services are the diverse multitude of users and players who enjoy them. Thus, we must embrace diversity as well, endeavoring to create “One Team, Strong in Our Differences” made up of members of various backgrounds who utilize their individual strengths in service to a shared mission.

In the process of creating a working environment where a diverse range of staff members can truly shine, we found that our proportion of female employees increased naturally, and we also welcomed many new international employees. It is clear to us that the remarkable work this varied group produces is only possible in a workplace where differing viewpoints are cultivated into a bounty of new ideas.

Going forward, our goal is to convert diversity into a core organizational driver, allowing us to further refine the creative products and services we provide our clients.

Diversity Enhances Our Strengths


At IMAGICA GEEQ, everyone is given equal opportunity to work regardless of gender. Be they a programmer, artist, designer, or one of our many leadership roles, our diverse team excels across a wide variety of positions and roles.

Racial & Cultural Background

Team members from a broad range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds expand the boundaries of the creativity we can tap into on our workfloors, leading to greater synergy.


We have plans both to expand opportunities for individuals with disabilities beyond support staff roles into areas such as game testing and also to support sports leagues for the disabled.

IMAGICA GEEQ’s Action Plan

A Climate Encouraging the Hiring of a Diverse Workforce

We emphasize hiring employees with diverse backgrounds, including those of different genders, ethnicities, nationalities, sexual orientations, and disabilities. Diversity gives birth to new ideas and perspectives which drive creativity and innovation.

An Environment Where All Can Excel

We eliminate discrimination and prejudice to provide fair employment opportunities. It is an individual’s skills and contributions that are given weight when they are being considered for employment or promotion. All employees are given equal opportunities and fair treatment in a fair environment.

A Place Where Diverse Voices are Heard

We offer training programs to employees which deepen their understanding of diversity and its connection to organizational growth (innovation examples). We aim for a work environment that leaves no one from our diverse workforce behind, and we wish to create an environment where they are respected and feel free to express themselves.

Active Disclosure of Information Related to Diversity Initiatives

We gather and analyze HR statistics on our employees’ ethnicity, gender, age and any disabilities they may have to better grasp the diversity in our organization. This is evaluated alongside innovation examples.

Diversity by the Numbers

SDGs Initiatives

Our mission is to create “One Team, Strong in Our Differences,” in harmony with the principles of the SDGs and with diversity as its foundation. Providing equal opportunities and rights to staff members with differing backgrounds and experiences is essential from the perspective of aiming for gender equality (SDG #5) and reduced inequalities (#10).

Looking at quality education (#4), we strive to train our employees equally, ensuring that all our team members have the opportunity to receive high quality training despite working in different environments. Furthermore, by hiring staff members with a mixture of skills and backgrounds, raising income, and improving job satisfaction, we aim to contribute to decent work and economic growth (#8).

For peace, justice and strong institutions (#16), we endeavor to eliminate discrimination, including that based on race, religion, gender, and disability, and promote equality under the law through our creative products and services.

Our approach to the SDGs is to focus on the areas of our society and economy requiring more specialized knowledge through our work. In the future, we would like to expand beyond the limits of these areas and, through trial and error, lead the world toward a more sustainable path.