Site Policy

About This Site

This site is posted by IMAGICA GEEQ Inc. (hereinafter, the “Company”) for the purpose of disclosing its corporate information.


The Company assumes no liability for any damage caused by using or visiting this site. The URL of this site or the information on this site is subject to change without notice. Please be advised that the Company may suspend or discontinue this website without notice.
The Company has no obligation to and does not promise to update the information posted on this site. Please be advised that the information on this site is not always up to date.

Information Posted on This Website

Please be advised in advance that the Company may change or discontinue the information on this website without notice. While the IMAGICA GROUP (the “Group”) takes meticulous care when posting information on this website, the Group does not warrant the accuracy, reliability or completeness of such information. The Company assumes no liability for any damage caused by any information (including data or similar materials) obtained by you from this website.


The Company may change the information on this site without notice. The Company may also suspend or cease the operation of this site. This site may not be available for normal use due to your communication environment or the condition of your computer, or for other reasons.

Limitation of Liability

Please be advised in advance that no warranty, whether explicit or implicit, is provided in respect of the accuracy, completeness, currency or quality of the content posted on this site. The Company assumes no liability for any damage caused by any content obtained from this site or by any loss of the use of this site.

Copyright, etc.

The copyright in the content (referring to, but not limited to, letters, text, photos, images, illustrations, sounds, music, etc.) posted on this site is vested in the Company and is protected by the Copyright Act and other relevant laws and regulations.
Any reproduction, modification, reprinting, etc. of such content without the Company’s consent is prohibited.


You may create links to this site, whether to the home page or directly to any of the individual pages. However, please be advised that the structure or URL of this site or the information on this site may be changed or deleted without notice.
While other sites may be linked to this site, this does not always mean that those sites are related to this site. The Company assumes no responsibility for the content of any other site linked to this site.

Links to Other Sites

While this site may be linked to other sites, these links may no longer be active due to changes in the structure or URL of any of these other sites or in the information posted on them, or for other reasons.
While this site may be linked to other sites, this does not always mean that these other sites are continuously related to this site.
The Company assumes no responsibility for the content of any other site to which this site is linked.

Recommended Environments

This website may be viewed on a display optimized for computer- or smartphone-based browsers. Depending on the version of your device and browser, this website may not be available.


Windows 10 and higher and MacOS 10.15 and higher.


Latest versions of Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.


iOS 13 and higher and Android 10 and higher.


Latest versions of Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox.

Companies providing browsers often add new features to or enhance the security of their browsers. Please always update your browser to the latest version before using this website.


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